The Father Says Today: November 12th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 8.00.08 PMThe Father says today that the choice that arises from chaos is often the decision in alignment with My mind and My blueprint for your life. The choice that makes sense and comforts the mind arises from the lower sensibilities and will never bring you to ascension authority, blessing or measure in your life. My mind is higher than your mind and My thoughts are inscrutable to natural reasoning. You are going to have to get relaxed living your life according to a spiritual ethic that defies rationale or human understanding.
I have called you says the Father not only to live in defiance of the opinions of men but even your own reasoning and opinions. When you put on the mind of the Spirit – when you put on My mind your natural mind will war and object and lodge its complaint. Your mind will warn and threaten and by every means at its disposal attempt to subvert and wrest control of your life from the Spirit-led mind within you. Make your determination that this day you are going to slip into the traces of My Spirit and the harness of My leading for therein lies the path of progress and signs and miracles and wonders that you have asked and sought Me for.

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  • thank You, Russ and Kitty for giving me peace. As I walk thru the storms I understand now that God continues to be righteous and continues to up hold me. God bless you, praying for each of you and your beautiful ministry.

  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    This was definitely an on-time message,.Whenever I say Pastor you and Kitty are truly my Pastors away from my local church. When I speak to Pastor Russ I am speaking to Kitty as well because they are one and vice versa THANK YOU Prophets Russ and Kitty for showing up in my life and affairs. This has been one of the greatest gifts in my life and I love you beyond what you will ever know! God bless!