The Father Says Today: November 10th, 2013

DSC04666The Father says today that as you send forth your peace into your current situation it will return to you with understanding and awareness of things you have not yet been made aware of. Know this that you don’t have all the facts but I am uncovering and illuminating what you need to know in My flawless timing. The things done out of sight will be bellowed from the rooftops and you will be up-to-date and instructed. When this revealing comes you are going to find that I was already speaking to you about these things. You will say within yourself that you discerned already and what you comprehended already didn’t come through a third party but from My voice as I spoke to you in the quietness between your own contemplations.
Never fear to get quiet and go down into the secret place for in the secret place I reveal My secrets. Learn to write down what I tell you so that you can bring testimony even to your own skeptical mind that I did speak and am speaking and will continue to speak. The gift of the word of knowledge is being amplified in you even as I said in times past. The diviners and soothsayers and psychics have laid claim to the hidden knowledge of the earth but their truth is a contaminated body of information – to listen to them or consult them is to always come up short of your blessing. So seek My face says the Father and you will see My hand. Seek My face and I will bare My arm and make you a blessing to others and cause you to be blessed yourself beyond all imagining

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  • Nicole says:

    Thank you Lord..I NEED this and receive the answers and revelation in Jesus name.

  • Petcy Victoria Thomas says:

    Powerful powerful powerful –on time word and distinct instruction.

  • Pamela says:

    Father in Yeshua’s name I receive your message. Thank you Father for amplifying the gift of the Word of the Knowledge in me so that I can be a true blessing to You and others. Thank you Prophets’ Russ and Kitty Walden.

  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    Amen and Amen. Thank you Father in Jesus name I decree that we are full of LOVE, peace, prosperity, protection, wisdom, light and understanding for everyone and everyone is full of LOVE, peace, prosperity, protection, wisdom light and understanding for us. We bring forth only the good in others now…amen and amen. Thank you Pastor Russ for your diligence, faithfulness and obedience… A BIG GOD BLESS YOU! Amen
    Body of Christ!!

  • Amen!! Thank YOU Lord! I receive it!
    Indeed a timely word for me!!
    Blessings to you guys!!