The Father Says Today: May 8th, 2017

The Father says today, I am your provisioner. I am your All-Sufficient One. I am your Jehova-Jireh. As Abraham in his day of challenge knew I would be the ram in the thicket, so I will be the obvious provision of everything lacking in your life just at the moment of your need. Trust Me. Refuse to lean to the arm of flesh. Refuse to ponder or meditate on or worry about the “worst-case scenario”. It isn’t going to come to that. I am on task and on target, and nothing shall impede My deliverance. Only believe. Fear not. My fear – the fear of the Lord – is clean. Every other fear is unclean. When intimidation and terror come, rising up to overwhelm you, just laugh. Just turn to My faithfulness and bury your head in My bosom and laugh the laugh of faith. I will never leave you and I will never fail to provide. Just trust in Me. Because you put your trust in Me, and in the covenantal provisions of My word, you will see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied.
Your hearing has not been as good as it could be, but I am changing all that. I am turning up the amplitude of My voice till you hear Me clearly above the din and hue of events swirling around you and other voices speaking contrary to My nature. Immerse yourself in My word. One way or another there is a narrative that will influence your life and influence what tomorrow looks like. Let it be the narrative of My word. My word is intended to be the dominate narrative that fills your mind and your thoughts – not the narrative of the world or the words, images and thoughts of the world that constantly bombard you. Shut all that out. Refuse to be entertained or held captive by the vain imaginations of vain men and women who have no deference or honor toward Me. There is a spirit behind their imaginings and it will pollute My altar if you let it. Purge the altars of your attenuation on the inside of you and know that as you offer up a pure sacrifice there will be a positive response from heaven in your behalf.

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