The Father Says Today: May 7th, 2017

The Father says today, I declare a mending of that which is broken in your life.  There have been broken relationships, relationships that have been broken to the point of total and complete exasperation and just walking away that I am mending.  I am stepping into the situation without any extra effort on your part.  In fact, the Father says, take your hands off.  Put your trust in Me.  I am repairing by My sovereignty that which is shattered and fragmented.  I am bringing love where there has been animosity.  I am causing agreement where there has been disagreement.  Harmony is coming to displace disharmony.  Things are turning around. The spiritual geography under your feet is changing.  You will see My hand where there has only been darkness and confusion.
Change your perspective. Make a determined effort to no longer look down that long tunnel of despair and hopelessness. Refuse this day to look through the lens of discouragement.  The outlook is not bleak. The promise is assured to you by My word this day. You will see and others around you will see My hand working, and even My words coming out of your mouth with wisdom beyond your ability or knowledge. There will be words of reconciliation.  The conversation will no longer be salvos of resentment or words of blame shifting or guilt leveling. Now My love is coming forth. My love and My forgiveness is coming into evidence. Get ready, says the Father, for the change is upon you. Do you believe that I am able to do this? Then be it unto you according to My word says your God.

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