The Father Says Today: May 6th, 2017

The Father says today, My blessing is on arrival in your life. There is blessing coming into your life in many areas. In finances and in the level of favor you have been walking in.  There has been a leanness of favor and a leanness of blessing, but now I am making your bones fat.  I am making your spiritual bones fat with the fatness of My goodness – and that’s a great benefit to you. I am moving as well to strengthen your relationships and cause you to know deeper intimacy with My Spirit.  I am surrounding you as with a shield to protect you from things that you know you need to be protected from. The unsavory and the unsafe – those who would abuse and take advantage of you will not be able to find you or gain access into your life.  I will now turn situations around that have been detrimental and you will walk out into freedom and liberty, having escaped the snare of the enemy against you. 
The Father says, you will from this day know and see and sense more accurately the environment and the circumstances around you. I am giving you x-ray vision in discernment. When words of deception are spoken, you will cut right through it and say, “no, this is what’s really going on” and they will admit it because it will be so obvious that I am with you and looking out for you. The strategy of the enemy will stop and frustration and the stress of the last many months is being quenched, says the Father. This is your time. This is the acceptable year of the Lord for you.  I am now causing you to walk in a razor-sharp clarity of my Spirit. You will see things and know things you need to know when you need to know them. You will not be late. You will not come up short. The angels of heaven assigned to you are running ahead to clear the obstacles so that you make it to the goal line.  You will accomplish that for which I sent you to do.  You will find yourself increasingly blessed financially, blessed going in and coming out in all things. The restraining, resisting force of the enemy is broken. Now you step into yoke easy and burden light, for this is My promise and this is My portion in your life this day.

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