The Father says today, learn to pray deep prayers. Discipline yourself to make the time and take the time to shut the world out and its distractions and truly seek My face. There is reward, says the Father, for those who come to Me in the press. It has come in vogue to criticize the reality of the deeps of My Spirit by those who have no appetite for greater realities in Me. Reject all such thinking. Abandon all those who sit in the seat of the scornful. Avoid the counsels of those who walk in the way of error – refusing to question the suppositions of unbelief and mockery of My word. I call you this day to return to the simplicity of spirit that accompanies all those who have approached My throne in truth and come away with the answer to their need.
Learn to pray big prayers, says the Father. As I said in My word, according to your faith so be it unto you. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. Your capacity for big answers is directly measured by the depth of your anchor in My word and the dimensions of expectation by which you ask Me daily for the impossible. What I am telling you, My son and daughter, is you aren’t thinking big enough. You have allowed those with small visions for you to influence your thinking. The self-referred teacher believes that big things for themselves are only found in belittling others. Because of this, they teach lofty things, but you come away diminished. It isn’t something you have done wrong. You are simply feeding at the wrong trough. Come up higher. Embrace the truths that breathe the enlargement of who I am in your life. Then water walking conquests will come as easy as getting out of bed in the morning. Then everything you say and do will begin to be as effective as if I said it, or did it? This is your portion and now is the moment I call you to step out into My promise in your life.
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Jeni Chase says:
Yes & Amen ♡
Edward says:
Here I am lord guild my feet
Lillian Wasike says:
In Jesus’ mighty name,amen and amen.
Lapatra says:
Lord Jesus Christ I will come up higher!!
Diane Williams Everett says:
Thank you Lord for your words on this day I receive you word and believe all that you say. Thank you Jesus
Piper Henry says:
Yes Lord and Amen.. Deep is calling to deep in the simplicity of your word and my walk in you. I hear you calling and I run to you, O Lord, for the answer. For everything I need is in you. Thank you Father God
Judy May Wagar says:
Pray Big prayers sayeth the Father.I believe your word and will do it. Amen
Delayne porter says:
Word!!! That be me!! Hallelujah!
Ghenet Habte says:
Lenice La Celestial Goncalves says:
Conchi Jimenez says:
Kathy Haber Spicer says:
Yeeesss Lord!!
Hustlå Cëåzå Såmyls says:
Martin Kahara says:
Marta Foam says:
Amen amen amen thank you jesus
Ngozi Moma says:
Amen Thank You Lord
Deborah Anozie says:
Thank You father
Pacita Simisim says:
Lyla Nicholson says:
Linda Weber says:
Kelly Smith says:
ThankYou Papa.
Yvette Hart says:
Amen and again, Amen!
Theresa Van Luik says:
Yes Father!
Margaret Fleming says:
Robearh says:
Thank you Abba Father. I fully receive your promises spoken this day over my life. I love you.