The Father Says Today: May 2nd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I am forming ranks and bringing My people into formation. You will know your place and you will be able to trust those around you. The enemy has sought to destroy trust and confidence between My people. There has been contention, strife and misdirection that has caused many to grind to a halt in the face of an advancing enemy. Voices of unity and strength are emerging. The anointing upon My men and My women is supplanting the alarmist voices of those who shrilly demand that you give them your attention. The Father says listen for My sound. You will hear a sound in the words of those truly anointed and commissioned by My hand. It will be a sound of courage and strength and deliverance. It will be a sound that will reach into your heart and not just your head. There you will find the rallying point where My army is mustering out to war.
I am establishing My people as an army, says the Father to accomplish my purposes in the earth and even in your life. Do not think that no one is praying for you. Though many around you seem oblivious to your struggle – I am putting intercessors on the battle line even on other continents – who wake up in the night and simply hear My voice say “pray” – and they are praying for you. There is a prayer movement rising up unparalleled since the days of the early church. My people will turn away from the false initiatives of man’s strength that can change nothing. They are turning once again to the Rock that bore them. They are turning once again to My name and running into My name as a high tower in a time of conflict. You will no longer going to be looking ahead by faith, but you’re going to be looking back with thankfulness because I have called you and would that you serve in this great army without distraction says the Father – so rejoice and rise up to your destiny.

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  • Hallelujah.. Thank you Father God for your powerful word.. I am listening for your voice, to reveal the commission that has been set before me, let your word and will be manifested in me and in the earth.. Amen

  • Pearline L. Clyne says:

    Thank you yet again for todays Prophetic word from the Father. It reveals the importantce of oneness thus coming togerther to form Gods army. Called out to do the will of God in spirit & in truth right here on earth. The daily word strengthens & empoeer us to be & to do what The Father had aportioned us for in this hour. Thank you Prophets Russ & Kitty Walden for being obedient to the voice of God & ensuring that His words goes forth to the four corners of the earth!!! God Bless you both. Amen!!! 😃