The Father Says Today: March 9th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that I am working in the midst of your family. I am moving in the lives of those to whom your heart is knit both by blood line relations and by the affinity of your common friendships. My heart – the heart of the Father is flowing within you and out from you to many who need and crave the touch of My Spirit in their lives. My Spirit is flowing down now into their situations to make Myself available to strengthen, available to invigorate, available to redeem and change, even those who have rejected Me in times past. I am moving even in your generations by My Spirit to establish a defense and a troop of warriors from your own circle that goes forth even as an army, says the Father to accomplish My purposes in the earth. There are some things that you have expected and petitioned Me for in times past that will be realized this year. You will not be hoping for that thing to happen for it will come to pass and hope realized does not require any effort to believe for any longer for the answer is come!
There is going to be the concrete manifestation of things that you have asked Me for, things that you have cried out to Me for. You are no longer going to be looking ahead by faith, but you are going to be looking back with thankfulness as your hopes, your dreams, your desires have been made manifest as a testimony to My faithfulness in your situation. There is a line of demarcation upon which I will act and bring pass to My promise in your life in a radical way. I am going to fill those expectations with new hope, new ambition, new aspirations in Me, says the Father. You are going to be fueled, you are going to be lifted up, you are going to be charged and energized by the fact that I have made these things come to pass! The word of testimony in your mouth will be a sure word of declaration that if I have so worked in your circumstance that which seemed impossible – how much more in the lives of others who look to you as an example of My goodness in the land of the living?

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