The Father Says Today: March 8th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today keep hoping and expecting. In this season of your life I’m going to render unto you the double. You have hoped and continued to hope and haven’t given up on your dreams. Therefore, I say to you as I spoke through Zechariah of old “Turn you to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope … even today do I declare that I will render double to you”. My salvation will be seen in your land says the Father. My glory will be seen over you and My arrows will go forth as the lightning in your defense. This day I will blow the trumpet and there shall go with whirlwinds of My Spirit over, around and through you. I will defend you and empower you to subdue your enemies. I will save you and those you love as a shepherd saves His flock and you will know again exaltation and joy and safety by My hand.
Know this – that there is salvation says the Father, that I am working in your life. The saving power of the shed blood of Christ is yours to lay claim to as you see My deliverance being made manifest. Refuse to play the blame game. There are many things you could have done differently but there is forgiveness and mercy in My heart for you. My promises are not made to perfect people but to YIELDED HEARTS. Yield your heart to Me today and trust in My keeping power. I will even make your mistakes to prosper. I will cause you to break forth upon the right hand and upon the left. When you lack wisdom I will impart it. When you make a mistake I will work in the midst of it. When failure seems to overwhelm you – like a flood I will engulf you in My favor and make everything turn out right. I am with you says the Father and I will never leave you or forsake you. This is your day and this is your time of rejoicing for the favor of your Father is being made manifest in abundance in your life.

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