The Father Says Today: March 28th, 2017

The Father says today is the closing. Today I am closing out on those dreams and visions that have been so much a part of your life and moving you to higher heights and deeper depths beyond your expectations. I am the God of more than enough. I am the God of more than you can ask or think. It is not possible for you to ask larger than I can answer. The bank account of My promises cannot be bankrupted or overextended. Let your faith take you where rationale and reason are reticent to go. Let your heart dream the bigger dream. Ask for more until more IS more. As I increased Abraham and Sarah beyond their wildest hopes even so I will do in your life so much more than you have dared to ask. Ask! Ask largely says the Father. Ask broadly. Believe for the implausible, the unusual and the unexpected, for I delight to surprise you with My goodness.
Know that your joy will be full when you ask in anticipation of the answer of heaven. All of My promises are YES and AMEN – so BE IT because you are the called in Christ Jesus. I have not called you to a lesser plan or a small destiny. You are a king and a priest unto Me. I will not short change you. I will not force you to live in denial of highest and best. Let your faith take your first class all the way. Refuse to believe the false narrative of poverty and shame. I became poor so that you could be rich. I am the Ram caught in the thicket that every need might by met at the hour of your greatest need. Embrace that understanding of My favor and that understanding of who I AM – a GOOD GOD who will do great and good things in your life, that you might have a full and rich testimony of My love and My grace in just the right time and place when you need Me most!

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