The Father Says Today: March 27th, 2017

The Father says today, you are transitioning to a birthing season in My Spirit. The pressure is not the pressure of the enemy but a pressure of bringing forth things in prayer that you have sought for and longed for. Let your mouth pray. Challenge is not a negative thing. Embrace challenge. Move toward the challenges before you and not away from them. Remember the admonition of scripture that it is through much tribulation, or much pressure that you enter into the kingdom. Pressure is never pleasant and shaking is not something you would ever ask for, but only those things that cannot be shaken will be shaken, that those things that cannot be shaken will remain. So, turn into the challenge, for as you turn into the challenge, you shorten your entrance into the place of breakthrough and the change you have sought, desired and petitioned Me concerning.  
Remember, says the Father, when you press into the pressure you break out into the kingdom and My kingdom is righteousness, joy, and peace. Just know then that in this time you will go out in joy and be led forth in peace. Do not let the enemy steal your joy. Maintain your joy and allow it to lead you. Maintain your peace and allow My peace to rule as an umpire in your heart, deciding with finality of the decisions that are before you. Remember above all else that I have set My love upon you. I have set My love upon you and it is My love that is leading you. My love is establishing all that happens round about you. My love is preserving you and protecting you. When the enemy assaults you, My hand and My favor will maintain an angelic guard around you and not one hair of your head will be harmed, and all that you expect and have cried out for will be brought to pass, and that right quickly.

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