The Father Says Today: March 25th, 2017

The Father says today, I have not appointed you to wrath. In all of your days that are written in My book, there is not ONE DAY of your entire life span that reads “reserved for wrath”. How could you ever come to Me as a loving Father if you never knew just how I would receive you, or if I would somehow arbitrarily drop some scourging test upon you for some inscrutable purpose? Beloved, that is not what I do. I take no delight in pain, sickness or suffering. That is not who I am. I am not only the God of love – LOVE is WHO I AM. There is no situation, no circumstance or outcome in which I choose to be anything other than the Loving Father that I have represented Myself to be in My word.
Comfort yourself with this one great truth. Refuse to be dissuaded for one split second into believing that I would ever choose suffering, sorrow or down turn for you. I came that you might have life and that more abundantly. Those who suggest otherwise do not understand fully what I accomplished on the cross. Upon the cross, the full fury of divine justice was completely poured out to the dregs upon the Darling of Heaven. He suffered so that you do not have to. He gave His back to the smiters so that you could go free, be healed and come to wholeness. Let this truth – the truth of the finished work of Calvary, be the salve applied to your eyes that you might see Me for who I really am and will always be in your life.

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