The Father Says Today: March 23rd, 2017

The Father says today, you are not just loved – you are WELL BELOVED. The agape of God is rooted in you and you are rooted in agape. I love you with the love that sent the only begotten Son to the brutality of the cross. Never allow yourself to feel as though I am aloof from you in any way. The cross is the great cosmic emblem of the intensity, the immediacy and the passion with which I love you. I saw you when you were lost in sin, contaminated by darkness and cut off from the kingdom and I made a provision for you. Accept that provision. Move over into the full grace of My kingdom to change you and to deliver you. The scar of sin upon your person is wiped away and My image is finding expression in you, even this day.
Your first responsibility and assignment today is to simply be the WELL BELOVED. There are many things that may seem urgent and important but sitting at My feet is the one necessary thing that will change, shift, transform every circumstance through the effortless ease of the yoke easy and the burden light. Do not give in to the false burden. Do not allow emotions to hinder you or hold you in thrall to heaviness and depression. Remember that My kingdom IS joy and it IS peace. Never relinquish your peace. Never relinquish your joy. Where you feel weak, know that I am supplying all the power and all the energy to stand strong, to love the unlovely and to get through the most difficult of exchanges with your faith intact and your victory assured.

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