The Father Says Today: March 22nd, 2017

The Father says today, I desire above all things that you prosper and be in health. I have no higher agenda or desire, other than that you be in good health and full provision. Sickness is never the choice I make for you. Poverty is not in the range of choices that I make regarding your life or for your future. I have not chosen sickness for you nor have I chosen poverty for you. Get it completely out of your thinking that I am a God of poverty or a God of sickness or suffering. I took suffering upon Myself to deliver you from all such deprivations. I WILL NEVER PUT ON YOU what the CROSS TOOK OFF OF YOU. Those who think and teach otherwise are uninformed and misled. They have accepted a perverted message, devoid of truth, that does not represent who I AM or what I have done for you. 
Take this truth inside of you and know that LIFE and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY is your portion. If you leave room for any doubt, or any other outcome, then the prince of this world comes and has a right to bring sickness and bring loss. That is not your portion. There is no sickness in heaven. There is no representation of poverty around My throne. I have not called you to be without. I have called you to be strong, well, provided for and joyful above all things. Make that your baseline understanding of who I am in your life. Refuse to wear the grave clothes mentality of contaminated religious thinking. Embrace the gospel that I have shed abroad in your heart and allow it to transform you by its innate goodness and truth in your everyday life.

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