The Father Says Today: March 21st, 2017

The Father says today, you are a king and priest in My kingdom. You are a principality and a power.  Even as Adam and Eve, when they were placed in the garden, I have placed you in your life both to tend and to keep My word and My promise in your regard. The angels are there in your life at this very hour to work with you, and not against you. Even as in the beginning the angels were there to serve Adam and Eve had they stayed in My will.  When you speak the angels with the flaming swords come to attention and they begin to drive out all things contrary to My purposes. Speak therefore. Let your mouth pray. Pray with boldness and pray with expectation for the angels are come for your words.
Your prayers are a sweet incense received in the heavens and acted upon by angels as they come up before My throne. Pray largely. Pray effectively. Pray in the Spirit and in the understanding. Pray out the mysteries and pray out the promises. Pray as a strategy of heaven to bring change My beloved, and change will surely come. Pray with all forms of prayer, petition, intercession and you will see the outcomes of many circumstances begin to shift. Prayer is the engine of spiritual reality that causes your life to conform to “as in heaven so on earth…” even as I taught in My word. Rejoice beloved and enter into this assignment with celebration, for those things you have need of and have cried out for only await the occasion of your faith filled prayer.

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