The Father Says Today: March 21st, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that I am a creative God and I am creating still in your life. Get ready for the unusual and unique things that I will do in the coming days to interrupt the normal course of events. You have had a heart to glorify Me and give testimony to Me and that’s the reason you will see Me using you in a remarkable way. You won’t take the glory to yourself. You will not take credit for the miraculous things that will be coming forth. For this reason I am bringing you out and I am announcing you to the earth because you have determined to lift up My name and not seek your own notoriety. Look up with expectancy says the Father, look up with great anticipation. My plan and My purpose is to mold and shape your life into something beautiful, a trophy set in My house. You are a vessel of honor, one of My golden vessels that is set in My kingdom. It is all about advancement and fulfillment of My promise that you have believed and cried out for – it is coming to pass in a remarkable way.
As you face each day says the Father, know this that the territory at times will be unfamiliar. For some time, you have gone round and round in a wilderness season but that is all about to change. Listen closely to the voice of My Spirit as I speak and reveal and make plain the path that takes you out of the dry place and into the battle against the enemy you have been spoiling for. You aren’t presumptuous. You won’t be disappointed. Others have suggested “who do you think you are…” but Beloved I rejoice when I see you doing what I would do were I in your shoes. The outcome is assured. You owe no man nothing except to love them. They want you to do what makes them comfortable but I haven’t called you to make men comfortable with what I have called you to do. Just step out and let the naysayers cope with your call for I am with you and I will never leave you or forsake you – your victory is assured!

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