The Father Says Today: March 20th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today it is time for you to fly! I am making your life seriously aerodynamic in the realm of My Spirit that you might come up higher and experience higher things in My kingdom. The winds of My Spirit are coming up underneath you and this day you are flying far above the circumstances and difficulties. You are flying high above the enemy’s apparatus to track or deter you. The war that you have warring in life is about to see a fresh bombardment of faith that will cause the enemy to flee and the angels to rejoice for this is the good fight that brings victory and dominion into your earth once again. In times past you knew what overcoming was and your faith soared high in the great expanses of dominion and blessing. The day has now come that those victories and that place of dominion will be inhabited and taken possession again as in times past.
The Father says said that your faith and your confidence in Me is a secret weapon that I have been preparing and planning for this time that you are coming into now. You are coming into your season of dominion and blessing. I have been working with you by My Spirit. I have been planning. I have been purposing. I have been keeping you tucked away, as it were, in a place of hiddenness so that you were not exposed to the enemy. I have held you in a place of security and peace and now I am commissioning and bringing you forth. I am announcing you to the earth by My Spirit. Scores of angels are moving with you, to accompany you so make sure that your yes is going to be yes and your no is going to be no. You are going to open your mouth and speak the oracles of God and I am going to back up My word in your life. You can take it to the bank. I am going to do just that. I am being found faithful in your land as you arm yourself in faith and fill yourself with hope and walk in fullness of love – you will not be disappointed.

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