The Father Says Today: March 1st, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today I am declaring a mending of that which is broken in your life. Broken relationships are being healed. Relationships that have been broken to the point of total and complete exasperation will be repaired says the Father. Though you have struggled to the point of just walking away I am going to mend. I am going to step into the situation without any extra effort on your part. In fact, the Father says, take your hands off. Put your trust in Me. I am going to mend that which is broken. I am going to bring love where there’s been animosity. I am going to bring agreement where there’s been disagreement. I am going to bring harmony where there’s been disharmony. I am going to turn things around. I am going to alter the spiritual geography under your feet.
The Father says, I am even going to turn the spiritual geography, the spiritual map under their feet where they are going to be moving toward you for the same reason they were moving away from you. I will cause even your detractors to see God in you and they are going to seek you and in seeking you they are going to be seeking Me and when they come and sit at your feet, says the Father, you are going to open your mouth and the words of the kingdom are going to come out. It’s not going to be words of resentment, words of “I told you so” but rather My love, My forgiveness, the oil of mending, and the outpouring of My Spirit. In the midst of the process I am going to break off of you those things the enemy has installed in your life to trip you up and to keep you stressed out. Yes, I am going to mend you in those areas as well. It’s a new day and new time and your rejoicing will be great as you see that which I am bringing about in your life.

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