The Father Says Today: March 19th, 2017

The Father says today – make war with the prophetic words that have been spoken over your life. Know that every authenticated, validated prophetic utterance over your life is a weapon against the enemy of your soul. Those weapons must be put to use or they will afford you nothing. My kingdom does not come with observation so do not respond as those who go to psychics and clairvoyants (with a casual, wait and see attitude) for that is not My will. The prophetic words that were placed over your life were not unconditional promises of breakthrough, but they were in fact a preamble to war, says the Father.  For I have not called you to hold back or wait and see how things will turn out. Rather, I call you to arm yourself with My word and My words and throw into the battle till victory comes.
I have called and I have anointed you and ordained you. Your qualification is not in what others think of you but in the anointing that I have placed upon you.  You have a mantle upon your life and you have a word in your mouth. You haven’t seen yourself as someone who could be used in any great way, but I am rising up on the inside of you to make My name famous and to get glory from bringing you out of ashes into beauty, out of disappointment into destiny. I am calling you to serve me and the day will come, you will be called upon, says the Father, to go out and to give my word and to speak my word to others and I will cause your words not to fall to the ground.  For I have called you and those around you with a foundation laying anointing, to plant where others have not planted and not to build on another man’s foundation.  This is a new season, says the Father, and new direction in your life. Lay hold on it with purpose and move forward and you will see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied.

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