The Father Says Today: March 18th, 2017

The Father says today, you are seated in heavenly places.  I sit in heavenly places and because you are in Me you are seated in heavenly places in Christ. You are in Me in the heavens and I am in you on the earth. Listen as I declare and as I speak to your spirit.  I speak to the constituent components of who you are in the earth to receive the authority that you are far above principalities, power, might, and dominion.  The Father says, I am breaking and I am rebuking every program of the enemy that is operating against you. The ungodly forces of operation against you are broken. There is no more disaster, says the Father.  There is breakthrough into the heavens that you might be seated above the heavens and know what it is to rule and reign in Me.  You do not have to go by way of the grave before you rule and reign in Me. Ruling and reigning is now.  I declare that your reign as a king and priest begins even now. 
There are angels attending you. The angels of the throne that have attended you since your conception, that tracked you from Adam even down through your lineage while you were yet in your father’s loins.  Those angels are yet tracking every moment of your life to put you over and to attend to your words. Let your mouth pray, for the angels will come for the words of your faith filled prayers. These angels are commissioned to bring about My will in your life. They are commissioned to bring breakthrough in your life as you yield yourself up to me every day afresh and anew. As you relinquish the earthly and surrender the human aspect of yourself unto my grace, says the Father, I will fill you every day.  I am flooding you.  I am bringing my exousia power and my dunamis authority over upon you. My river is flowing out of you as a river. It is not a metaphor for a river, but a veritable river of grace flowing out of you bringing breakthrough.  The obstacles and the strategies of the enemy are being broken and causing you even now, even now at this moment, says the Father, to be seated and to be victorious.

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