The Father Says Today: March 11th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today I am not shy about what I am doing in your life. I will blow the trumpet. I’m going to make My favor over you known for I am not ashamed to name you as My choice possession. I will not do the thing I am going to do in a corner. We will not try to move forward in a way the enemy does not take notice. No, beloved I am going to blow a trumpet and dare the enemy to touch that which I have breathed upon in your life. I have set you as the pupil of My eye this day and graven your name upon the palm of My right hand. You do not need to be concerned about preserving or protecting the blessing for it is not a fragile or ephemeral thing says the Father. You won’t protect the blessing the blessing is protecting you and benefiting you and promoting you even this day.
My wind is beginning to blow afresh and anew in your life. I am coming to you on the winds of My Spirit to cause you to know and to be made known in My courts. My whirlwinds will be in evidence even in the natural you will feel the blast and think “that is not mere wind – that is my Father!” Even as the scripture says, whirlwinds of the south are coming to bless and benefit you. This day My blessings are coming upon you and they are going to overtake you. This will not be a one-time occurrence but will come over and over and over. A whirlwind is reciprocal. It’s a wind that doesn’t blow in a straight line. My whirlwind is coming to you and through you in dynamic power to produce in your life the consequence of My loving-kindness and gentleness and longsuffering in your behalf. This is your time and your day to know My magnanimity toward you My beloved and the largess of My kindness and willingness to change, and bless and benefit you beyond all your expectations.

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