The Father Says Today: March 10th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that your hope is not in vain. My message to you is a message of hope. Those things you have believed for and expected will be your portion says the Father. Not only are you a beneficiary of hope, but likewise a messenger of hope. I will make you a messenger of hope to those who otherwise would be hopeless. My word is going forth as lightning to take down the adversary and replace adversity with order, blessing and benefit. You will see that which I am bringing about and will not have to question, “Is this God?” You will see what I am doing and realize that only an all powerful and all loving God would turn things around for you in this way. I am on your side says the Father. I am with you. I will never leave you and never forsake you. I will never change My mind about My promises to you. Come this day into alignment with My promises and My word for the time is short and this is your now season to see My faithfulness brought to pass in every area of your need.
Obedience is a key to your breakthrough in this season says the Father. Let your obedience be full, and prompt in this time. Step into My provisional promises and give full yieldedness in your heart and your actions. No more compromise or half-compliance. I am not a hard task master. The things I am asking of you are not grievous and they are not impossible. Come into a new cooperation with Me says the Father for My promises will be made sure as you allow Me to come alongside you. We will work together in an easy yoke and burden light assignment. Listen for My words of comfort and My words of instruction. As you hear and respond to My voice things will begin to improve and things will begin to change. Write down what I tell you. Hearken with greater attentiveness to the dreams and visions of the night for I will show you My path in the night and you will walk it out in the day almost immediately. You will begin to see the picture of My map of your life and you will rejoice as you come to realize that I am bringing you into a delightsome land full of benefit and blessing and goodness.

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