The Father Says Today: June 30th, 2017

The Father says today, that your gifting is making room for you. Jabez cried out and petitioned Me to enlarge His coast. I granted his request and I will grant yours. Though you have felt hemmed in and much disregarded, I have placed the gift of heaven on the inside of you. I have anointed you and I have called you to ministry purpose. You are not just some random person walking through life without a connection to My purpose. I have brought you to the kingdom for such a time as this. I have called you. I have anointed you. My unction is upon you. Fear not those who do not see you as I see you. Do not concern yourself with those who don’t seem to understand what I have anointed you to do. Do not meddle with those that are ignoring you – go and pour yourself out to those who are hungry. I have called you to the hungry, says the Father – not to those that are full. When those that are invited refused to come, I sent out into the highways and the byways. Are you willing to go out – ALL THE WAY OUT, in order to fulfill My call on your life?
This is your calling out time, says the Father. No more frustrating yourself over the fact that this person or that group does not recognize your calling. That pursuit is a vanity and a misdirection of the enemy. Forget what men think. Never mind that others are not paying attention. I say to you, be a vessel poured out. Find those that are wounded and bleeding. Find those among the unwashed masses that are willing to hear, that are looking for answers. Go out this day and give yourself to the felt needs of those around you. It isn’t necessary to sell others on what you have to say. The constituency I have called you to will need little convincing, for I will go with you confirming the word with signs following. John the Baptist did not find success on Solomon’s porch in the temple. He went to the banks of the Jordan and cried out – and multitudes gathered to him. Are you willing? Are you prepared? Then you know – now you KNOW what you must do!

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