The Father Says Today: June 23rd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today enter into My stillness. All around you the din and hue of everyday life is demanding your attention. Come down inside. Turn your attention to the inward altar where the incense of intercession is ascending to My throne. Your inner man is a microcosm of My kingdom. The glory and the outraying of My light reside there within you. The enemy and at times everyday life conspires to turn you away from My presence but I say to you run to the rock that bore you. You are not alone. I am your defense and I am surrounding you with favor as with a shield. The inward life that you conduct before My throne will determine what happens next in your outward circumstances. That is how My Lordship within manifests as My glory without and change comes.
So come away My beloved. I am the lover of your soul. I am the bridegroom longing for the bride. Your soul is that to which I am betrothed. You are My bride in your person and in your soul. You are My bride through your connection to the corporate Christ that is My body upon the earth. I will not allow the enemy to set on you or to harm you in any way. I will not allow circumstances of life to defile you or to rob you of your joy. There is a place here by Me that you can hide in the cleft of the rock that I AM till the storms be overpast. Though a 1000 fall at your right hand and 10,000 at your left know this – you will be left standing. My glory will be seen in your land. You will not be denied and you will not be disappointed in any way as you yield yourself to Me in a fresh, new commitment this day.

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