The Father Says Today: June 22nd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today enter into the greater things of My kingdom. My love for you is greater. My love for you is greater than your failure. My love for you is greater than your sinful tendencies. My love is greater. My love, My jealousy over you is vehement beyond the hatred of Satan himself. Though all the hatred, and cruelty be gathered together in one concentrated cauldron of spite against you – My love is greater. My love is greater than judgment. My love is greater says the Father – so this day enter into and walk in My greater love. Allow yourself to be the BELOVED. Allow yourself and see yourself as one for whom the only begotten was offered up on the cross. Allow yourself to see yourself as one who for love’s sake even the grave could not restrain Me from you.
It is your portion to be loved. You have wondered and speculated what your purpose in My kingdom might be. Beyond every other concept and idea, it is your highest task to simply be loved. Outside of understanding My love there is nothing to be accomplished. Every religious effort, every monumental effort is completely without merit unless you first accept, understand and be immersed in the love wherewith I love you. I love you. Love is why I came here. Love is why I stay. Love is who I am and what I do. Accept that love. Tear away and extract every illegitimate and false image of Me in your mind that is contrary to love. I am not looking for opportunities to judge you I am looking for occasion to love you. Can you accept that love? In accepting love, you are accepting Me. Revel in My love. Bask in My love. Luxuriate in My love this day and every day until there are no days left and only eternity – and My love remain.

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