The Father Says Today: June 21st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, stay focused on your calling. Make your calling and election sure. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Do not make the mistake that Peter made. He squirmed when I asked “do you love Me”. He looked at John and demanded “what shall this man do?” It doesn’t matter what others do. Though others go glibly on their way without any accountability – that is not your portion. When you gave your life to Me I took you at your word and I have been working to mold and to shape you into My image. Much of the pressure you have sought to escape in life has not been the pressure of the enemy but rather My hand – turning you on the wheel of the potter. Shall the thing made say to the thing that made it “why have you made me thus?” I am the Potter, beloved – you are the clay.
When you look around you will see the garish, painted, broken shards of unwilling vessels. They chose to step off the potter’s wheel because the demand was too great. They painted themselves with lofty, gilded opinions of their own greatness. In reality that have been marginalized by their own self-deception. They preen themselves like spiritual peacocks and remark how kingdom minded they are – but nothing will change for them till the get back on the potter’s wheel and allow Me to finish in them what I started. Stay flexible, beloved. I know the path that you take. It is My hand forming and shaping you. There will be a finished work. Trust Me. Stay so obedient to Me and you will reach your full maturity in Me.

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