The Father Says Today: June 18th, 2017

The Father says today, you have a call on your life. You are not a person content just to go through life living for yourself. I have put a fire in your belly and a determination in your heart that your life is going to count for something. Keep pursuing that passion. Make your calling and election sure. Do not give in to the lies of the enemy.  The enemy of your soul has offered you some pretty tempting things in exchange for what I have in mind for you. I will always deal honestly and in a straight forward manner. I will not misdirect or deceive you. My plan is not a plan that will bring you to down turn. Your gifting is at work. Your gifting is making room for you. I will set you in high places. You will speak to kings, nobles and potentates.
I am giving you favor with those that you need to have favor with says the Father. Others will see your qualities and will want you by their side. That kind of promotion can be a heady thing but you can lose it all in a moment so always keep Me first in all things. Come out of striving and I will give you rest. Roll over on your back in the middle of the river of life and let My current take you. Good things are ahead. I will show you what is on the morrow. You will look by the Spirit and know what is coming and just what to do at the right time. This is the trusting season, when the rapids of My goodness and the current of My favor are fast-tracking you to the center of My will for you in all things.

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