The Father Says Today: June 18th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today step into My timelessness. I release you this day from the tyranny of time. No longer will you find yourself saying “I don’t have time!”, or “There’s not enough time in my day!” That is not your portion. I am not hurried therefore you are not hurried. You are not hurried says the Father, for I created time and the passage of time to be your servant and not your master. Time is not the unwelcome byproduct of Adam’s fallen condition. Time was created by My hand to measure the span of distance between GLORY and GLORY in your life. Your life is not about reeling from one pressure packed day to another. Your life is more than schedules, phone calls and missed appointments. Your life is not measured in packets of days, minutes, hours or seconds. When you need more time beloved then I will simply expand eternity and fold into your life every day and every moment necessary to get the job done.
Do you need more time says the Father? I declare you are free this day from the tyranny of time. Time shall not LORD over you, for that is My portion to be your LORD, and I am a jealous God. I will take time and bend it to your will, and cause it to be lengthened, expanded and prolonged in order that your days in this life will be days of blessing and not despair. As are your days so shall be your strength. This day I make you a master of time. I am the creator of time and you rule and reign with Me. Therefore, because I am the master of time so you shall rule over time and see fullness of days, length of life. You will go from FAITH to FAITH. You will step each day from GLORY to GLORY. Everything you touch will be immortalized by My glory on the inside of you. That which is lacking has now been added. That which seemed out of reach is firmly in your grasp – so REST and trust and move forward, for this is where it gets easy!

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