The Father Says Today: June 16th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today there is a time and a season for everything under the sun. So the grief you endure is for the night only and joy comes in the morning. I am the Comforter and I am acquainted with your sorrows and grief. I hear your questions and I know your thoughts. For some of you know your loved ones are with Me, and let Me assure you of their exceeding great joy, for they have not left their life, but they have ENTERED INTO their LIFE. Oh yes, they are living in fullness of joy and are still busy about My Kingdom. So release this grief to Me today, and be comforted by their great joy that also awaits you and all who are accepted in the Beloved. There are others of My children who are grieving because they do NOT know where their loved one is now. Oh how your heart so longs to know if they are with Me.
Know this, does My word return to Me void? Did I not say you shall be saved and your household? Have you not prayed and interceded for them to be delivered into My Kingdom? Do you not realize that I am able to appear to them even upon the hour of their passing? That My ministering angels of salvation are working until the very end? That they are set apart because of your prayers? For there are those who choose Me as I appear to them in their final breath and you shall be surprised and delighted, when you come home, at who is there to greet you. So give Me all your sorrows, and let Me heal your soul this day for I am the God of ALL Comfort.

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