The Father Says Today: June 15th, 2017

The Father says today, you are a Daniel. As Daniel had an excellent spirit, so I have placed an excellence within you that will open doors that have been closed to you. The Daniel integrity I have called you to is opening portals of favor beyond your wildest imaginations. Daniel was a man who was promoted to serve the king. That is who you are. I am the king and you are the king’s cup bearer. You are called to testify and demonstrate what the cup of My suffering paid for in the lives of men. Neither are you alone in the thing I have called you to. Daniel had many people around him that he discipled and trained in the things of My Spirit. You are called to learn yes, and to impart to others what you have learned, that they might stand when the fires of adversity are hot all around them.
You are called to be an example. You are not an example of failure but an example of blessing. Are you ready to be blessed? Then accept this responsibility. From this day you are to set an example for who will follow you as you follow Christ. You are a leader. You have leadership in you. Those who won’t follow anyone else will follow and listen to you. Promotion is at hand. My wisdom is guiding you that you might know what to do and when to do it. When no one has answers, you will hear My still, small voice and know what to do and things will all work out. Others will look and marvel when they see your prayers being answered. They will come to you for prayer. They won’t come to someone else but they will come to you and you will make a difference in their life. This is a huge part of the call of My Spirit on your life and as you give yourself over to it, there will be great blessing and benefit come into your situation.

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