The Father Says Today: June 15th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today this is where it gets interesting. For all the provocations of the enemy in your life, I will turn them back and establish you in blessing and My favor. When the enemy comes to his end he roars ever so loudly. The darkness before the dawn is the last gasp of the enemy of your soul, vainly hoping that his strategy to destroy you will fail. Set your eyes upon Me. Commend your path to My hand. Refuse to allow yourself to respond emotionally to the bleakness of the natural circumstance. This is but a light affliction that will burn away as I arise as the Daystar in your life to illuminate the favored position you have been in all along.
If you could look from the perspective of mere months from now upon this day’s challenge – there would be a smile on your face. Refuse to borrow trouble. Refuse to be sorrowful or in fear of your future. I am the God of impossible situations and I am coming through for you. Set yourself to be faith filled and faithful to the call wherewith I have called you. Allow the heat of the furnace to burn away everything in your character that conflicts with My love and My purity. I am a fire from My waist upwards and My waist downward. I am the refining fire that purges away the dross of sin and sinful tendencies. At the end of the matter not only will you come forth victorious, but you will come forth shining with My character and holiness, having usurped everything in your person reflecting My glory!

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