The Father Says Today: June 14th, 2017

The Father says today, get ready for a course correction. There are many choices and directions you can take in life. Do not resist or be fearful because you do not feel in control of what happens next. The Father says, you are stepping right now into a time in your life where even minor decisions have major implications. Hold everything loosely. Do not make assumptions about what to do next. Put your ear to the track of My word and My purposes and at all cost get your life aligned with what I am currently doing and saying in your life. You have an ability to see in the spirit which is not psychic ability but spiritual gifting. My sheep hear My voice. This is not a time to second guess, but to know that you know that your life and situation is in My hands. Step forward trusting not in your wits or your ability to handle what is ahead – but rather trusting wholly and totally on doing things MY WAY, says the Father.
The path you have found yourself on may not seem clear to you but it is one that leads you into the manifestation of being seated with Me in heavenly places far above. I have made you a principality in the earth, says the Father, now act like one. Open your mouth and let the rule of God proceed from your mouth. Open your hand and let the rule of God proceed from your hand. Stand up. Step up. Step forth and I will enlarge the steps in your path by My rule and it will be known that I am Jehovah God who has chosen to covenantally obligate myself in your behalf, for you are Mine, you are my child. You were bought with a precious price – I will not squander the resource that you are in the earth. Get ready for great things. Get ready for good things. I will not leave you, I will not forsake you, and I will not fail you, says the Father.

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