The Father Says Today: June 14th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that My first choice in your life is never rebuke or chastisement. The disciples struggled and they failed and I told them “now you are clean through My word that I have spoken unto you…” Though you struggle and wrestle with pain and with pressure know this – I am the author of peace and the originator of blessing in your life and not cursing. Others may look upon the challenges of life and claim that I am at the root of it all but open your eyes beloved. There is an enemy of your soul that hunts for your soul desiring to rend you as a lion rends its prey. That is not who I am and that is not what I do. I came that you might have life and life more abundantly. I am come that you might find refuge in Me and not cower away being misled to think that I place any delight in your difficulty. When you are smitten it is not My hand for all My paths are peace. I am working to cleanse and deliver not snare or tear you down.
So when your circumstances are unstable and all of life seems as one gaping wound know that I am pouring in the oil and the wine of My goodness and My presence both to heal and to mend. When your burden is beyond bearing and you have no answers – I am your answer. I am your relief. Though men who claim to represent Me say otherwise – I am all about yoke easy and burden light. In feebleness I am your strength. In frustration I speak peace to calm the troubled waters of your soul. When you are rejected by loved ones and hunted as a prey by your enemies I am there to shelter and to shield you. My favor will encompass you. I will be your covert and refuge till the storm is over past. You will not be destroyed beloved. At the end of the day you will be left intact and in receipt of My goodness knowing that the God of the Universe has undertaken for you even this day. I am your security and I have secured you in My promise this day and forevermore says your God!

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