The Father Says Today: June 13th, 2017

The Father says today, experience My rest. I am bringing a great calm over the waters of your soul. Make it your goal to always move in calmness of spirit. No matter what the boisterous waves of circumstance may indicate – refuse to be alarmed. You are in the secret place of the Most High. You have chosen contrition and humility and in doing so you stepped into the express elevator that leads to the high place where My Spirit abides. Stay there. Do not allow the claxon ringing of someone else’s panic to compel you out of the place of My peace. Always, no matter what, make a priority out of spending time with Me and soaking in My presence. I will speak to you in dreams. I will speak to you in visions. I will take you, even by the Spirit and I will show you what’s taking place in hidden counsels and secret things. Battles come and battles go, says the Father.  Never move out of a sense of reaction. Only step out when My peace leads you.
Break the tyranny of what others demand you “ought” to be doing. Stop it! Stop trying to meet all the demands you place on yourself and that which others place upon you. Stay in the place of peace always. My kingdom IS righteousness, PEACE and joy. It doesn’t just BRING peace – it IS peace. Never let anything or anyone move you out of the place of peace. I will take you through every trial. Your situation did not develop overnight, so stop asking for instant answers. Just walk out the process. Things will not play out like you think, says the Father. My thoughts are not your thoughts but you CAN trust Me for the outcome. I love you greatly and you do not have to earn My love. I love you because I love you. I will never stop loving you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. When others curse you, when others malign you, just know that I am in charge and what man thinks will not determine the finality of all the good things I am bringing about in your life.

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