The Father Says Today: June 12th, 2017

The Father says today, stop beating yourself up over past mistakes. I took your humanity into account when I made certain promises to you – therefore My best purpose for your life is still available in spite of it all.  Self-recrimination and self-loathing is as the man cutting himself with stones in the tombs. I spoke deliverance to that man, so I speak deliverance and liberty to you. The Gadarene heard the word and was found sitting composed at My feet in His right mind. You will know you are recovered when you are content to do just that. Come and sit at My feet as Mary. Sit at My feet and learn of the yoke easy and the burden light.
Let go of the false burden, says the Father. Do not be the “Martha” who hides in busy-ness in order to drown out My still, small voice. I am not calling you to detest yourself or to recriminate yourself. Forget the past. Let the past go with all its mistakes and miscalculations. You may think your past looms large over you but I am bigger than your past. I am bigger in your future working to bring you to your uppermost heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. You cannot fix those things that are broken – leave that to Me. Sit at My feet. Breathe. Enter into My rest. Do you trust me?  Let me take it from here. I will direct you and I will move and I will mend and I will manage. I will move, I will mend and I will manage. You are to do nothing out of reaction. You are to do nothing in response to outward demand. You are to wait. You are to wait upon me. You are to take every day, every choice, every action and lay it before me and sleep on it, believe me and ask me to come and direct you what to do. Move forward only in the quiet confidence of the prompting of My Spirit and you will come to know the outcomes that I have promised you in My word.

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