The Father Says Today: June 11th, 2017

The Father says today, you will not be diminished. Your destiny is not one of diminishment. Your portion is not one of loss but of breaking through to the brighter day. Stop measuring yourself by the metric of man’s opinion. Small minds will never see in you what I have placed there to fulfill My purpose. Go down inside and commune within. There in the secret place you will discover the lens through which I looked in time immemorial at the masterpiece that you are. I formed you. I fashioned you. I released your unformed substance in the earth to fulfil and to become – not to falter or fail. It is not My hand that feeds you the bread of adversity or failure. Step out of the place of resentment. Let the past go. Turn your eye and your ear from the protestations of man who has no clue what I am doing in your life. Step up into the rarified atmosphere of My promise and know it as your base state and the spiritual habitat set aside for you.
Go first class all the way, says the Father. I place no premium on lack or penury. I became poor so that you might know abundance. I endured the nails and the thorns that you might shake off the heavy bands of restriction and step forward into the new day of My promise. Not everyone will go there with you. Many have imbibed the waters of Meribah and can see nothing but loss.  They have gilded the lily of the death of their dreams and want to take everyone down with them. Reject the message of defeat. Embrace the full promise of My word. Abandon yourself to My purposes and the disciplines of My Spirit. There you will be renewed and brought to a place of reviving. No more suffocating spirit of unbelief for you. Step out of the grave clothes of doubt and take a deep breath – a breath of hope, life and new promise. This is your portion, says the Father, and your righteousness is of Me.

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