The Father Says Today: June 10th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today I’ve got you surrounded, you might as well give up! You might as well surrender to My love because Love is who I am and Love never fails. Go ahead says the Father – give yourself up to My goodness. Empty your hands of those paltry and meaningless things you have feared would become loss to you. Go ahead – count all but loss that your might gain the Christ anointing that is released to you this day.
Surrender says the Father. Surrender – I’ve got you surrounded! You are surrounded by My love and you are surrounded by My goodness. You are surrounded by My provision and captured by My sovereignty. I am used to getting My way says the Father and if you trust Me – if you PUT your TRUST IN ME you will NOT be disappointed.

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  • Yes Lord I cast all this world’s silly matters aside and surrender, for nothing compares to You or Your anointing!

  • tonya says:

    Thank you Russ and Kitty, for the living Word of the Father. Lord, please surround me. I need your love, peace and provision. I TRUST YOU because I know you will always do what is best for ME.

  • I am blessed by this message because I’mppresently going through an issue that only trusting and surrendering to God can help me.

  • Daisy says:

    What an Awesome God we serve, thank you Father for your Everlasting Love