The Father Says Today: July 9th, 2017

The Father says today, rise above the opinions of others. If you purpose to live out your days before My throne there will be opposition. If you determine to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith I have called you – there will be merciless scrutiny. Regardless of the choices you make, when My kingdom rules over every decision you will be subject to the examination of others. They will watch for your feet to stumble. They will wait, holding their breath for a moment of vulnerability that they might justify their opinions of you. Refuse to give them satisfaction by worrying what they will do next. Put your trust in Me. Expect your life to trend always upward. Know that I will cause all you do to tend to blessing and benefit. Know that My favor surrounds you like a shield. The expectation of your critics will be brought to nothing. You will come through in exaltation and your life will be found secure in My hand.
Harness yourself to the yoke easy and the burden light. Do not accept the false burden of men’s estimations. Just listen for My voice and then speak and act, knowing that My counsels will never come to nothing in your life. My promise is sure and the path is clear. You will hear My voice speaking over your shoulder saying “this is the way walk in it…” You will obey and follow and always find it will be just as I have promised. Never allow the backward glance to once be named in your life. Don’t look back. Don’t look back to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. How many confirmations does it take before you step out on the waters of all that I have promised. Now is your time. Now is your moment. Be obedient to the heavenly vision. Never subject yourself to the flawed perspective with which others judge what you do next. Be a Father pleaser. Be a part of the Jesus Generation that knows what it is to walk on water and receive the suddenlies of God as their portion.

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