The Father Says Today: July 7th, 2017

The Father says today, the whole earth is Mine – go and stake your claim. There is nothing that I am withholding from you. Where you put your foot, I have given you the title deed. There is no need to strive or to stress over what is on the morrow. All of your tomorrows are in My capable hands. I have already made preparation for every deficit in your life. I call you the “provisioned”. I declare you are full with the fullness of My ALL-IN-ALL. So, don’t hold back. It isn’t necessary to fret or worry about this need or that need. All is provided! When I gave you the gift of My Son, I FREELY gave you all things! Tap in today to the finished and complete work that is in Christ! Make your need known! Take the energies of worry and fear and task them to My purposes in prayer!
Let every prayer and every form of supplication be initiated in your life. Let your mouth pray. Cry out to Me. Call upon Me in the day of trouble and I will answer you and that right speedily. There is no denial. There is no delay. Every promise is yes and amen because you are in Him – who sits on the throne. Enter into the yes and amen I have made available to you, says the Father. Enter into radical favor that opens not just one, but many doors. Rejoice in the knowledge that when the enemy does his worst, I will do My best. You are in the ascendency in every situation because I am on the throne. The right hand of Majesty is secure; therefore you, oh My beloved, are secure in all things!

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  • Valencia says:

    Amen, thank you so much for your love and faithfulness Oh God! I recieve this word, yes and amen!! Supernatural Provision is mine!

  • As always my dear family in Christ, I am comforted and encouraged, as I walk through this season of grief, with THE JOY OF THE LORD. Thank you for the constant reminder that our purpose here is twofold, TRUSTING GOD AND LOVING EACH OTHER…May our Lord continue to bless and highly favor you and your ministry, truly we are ONE IN HIM

  • You O Lord are my provider, You are the open door to my all in all, For You are my all in all, my everything that you have prepared my feet to walk in. I will not worry about the day, for You hold my today’s, tomorrow and my yesterday in Your hands. Thank you Abba Father, I receive your word, for it is Yes and Amen

  • Perfect word for such a time as this. Lord I do ask that you provide all my need according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. For the need is to fulfill my calling to have told me to do and there will be no delay in Jesus name Amen Thank you Lord Jesus.

  • Oh so grateful for Your lavish love, Your over flowing favor and Your unending provision! Thankful to be a daughter of the Most High, Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, Yahweh, my all and all!

  • CAROLMAY says:


  • Lynn Mimshach says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN Prophets Russ and Kitty, CHECKMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I receive it ALL in Jesus’s Name, amen. Radical favour is my, I am secure in Christ in all things and thank you Lord that when the enemy does his worst, You will do My best 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It doth NOW APPEAR. GlorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Singing, “What can l render, what can l render, what can l render to you my Lord, I will sing praises and shout halleluia, what can l render to you my Lord. What can l render, what can l render, what can l render to you my Lord, I will sing praises and shout halleluia, what can l render to you my Lord.”