The Father Says Today: July 6th, 2017

The Father says today, heaven is invading earth. Through you I am making My sound known! Heaven is invading earth through you. I choose to use you to light fires. I choose to use you to sound My sound in this generation. I have claimed you and you are mine. I have set My seal upon your heart. In every part of your being I am advancing and making Myself known! I have set My seal in your forehead that your forehead might be as an adamant stone. I have made your forehead like flint and I am striking a spark to ignite everything around you that is combustible in My kingdom. Be an initiator, says the Father. Be an instigator. Let the aroma of My presence invade your atmosphere and cause My “halal” to be heard in the earth, even in the dark places where new foundations are being laid.
Be a builder, says the Father. Be one who builds who I AM into every environment you find yourself in. You will not be encroached upon, for My sound is greater. Greater is the pressure of My sound flowing out of you than the sound of this world’s contamination seeking to flow into you. Feel My weightiness, says the Father. Experience this day the KABOD glory of My weightiness established in you and expanding out from you. Be the plow! Be the plow that breaks up the fallow ground and causes those who have sat in darkness to see My Great Light aflame in you! This is your portion, says the Father. This is My sound that is sounding out from you. This is the sound of deliverance resonating to the broken and the beaten to set the captive free and bring My song once again in the earth!

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