The Father Says Today: July 5th, 2017

  The Father says today, I am bringing the double portion! In this time in your life I am rendering unto you the double. I say to you “Turn you to the stronghold, you prisoner of hope!”.  Even this day the declaration of heaven over you is double blessing and double favor.  I have called out the angel archers to pierce the shields of the enemy who has dared to encroach your territory. I have made them as a sword and a mighty man – mighty to deliver and mighty to set free every captive. My arrows, says the Father. My arrows will go forth as lightning in your defense. I will blow the trumpet and there shall come whirlwinds from the south to unseat and dislodge every strategy of the enemy against your life. I will defend you and devour and subdue with sling stones the adversary that dares to come up against you. As the Lord, your God, I will save you in that day as one of the chief of the flock of My people. You shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up and as a fan in My hand upon this land.  
This shall be your testimony and your song will be, “How great is His goodness and how great is His beauty!” You will see and know the goodness of your God in the land of the living. Shall the dead praise Me? No, I will make an end, says the Father. I will make your bones fat with My goodness as in the harvest when the corn makes the young men cheerful and new wine the maids to dance and rejoice. This is the salvation, says the Father, that I am working in your life. The power of the blood that was shed on Calvary is being brought to bear in your circumstance THIS DAY – so rejoice and be glad! Your redeemer is near at hand. Your salvation is not far off. Those things that you have believed Me for and cried out to Me for are not vain hopes or unrealistic expectations. Come this day into the secret place of My heart. Render up to Me a pure and yielded heart as an oblation I will not despise. Be willing to hear and be willing to yield and you will see, says the Father, of the travail of your soul and be satisfied.

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