The Father Says Today: July 4th, 2017

The Father says today, you are the object of My favor. I am surrounding you with favor as with a shield. I am the same – yesterday, today and forever. I am NO respecter of persons but I AM a respecter of faith. What I have done in times past in terms of miracles, signs, wonders and great deliverance I will do again. Your life, says the Father, is My chosen proving ground this day of My faithfulness to move in the lives of My people to radically deliver them (specifically YOU) from every encroachment of the enemy. Others will look upon My hand at work in your life and say, “that’s not fair – they didn’t earn the blessing they are enjoying…” It isn’t about earning something, says the Father. There is no such thing as “paying your dues” in My kingdom.  What I am doing in your life is based not upon who you are or what you have done but about who I AM and what I did in your life 2000 years ago. You ARE My ENTITLED ONE. I stand this day as your defender and your Great Benefactor in every area of your life.
So, make your determination to align yourself perfectly into the critical path that leads to where all Servant-Sons find their place of service to Me. My kingdom surrounds you. My kingdom follows you and goes before you. It is My kingdom on the right hand and on the left determining what happens next. Abandon all self-promotion. Allow the ego-driven attitudes that have NEVER reflected My grace to NOT ONCE be named in your behavior. I am bringing you into the entitlement of sons, says the Father. I am extending to you this day the realization of what the POWER to BECOME a son implies in every area of your life – BUT you must draw yourself away with Me until it is all of Me and none of you. This is your privilege and it will not be accorded to another. This is the time that you have longed for and cried out for. Rise up and be that one who steps into the paternity of sons in My kingdom, says the Father.

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