The Father Says Today: July 3rd, 2017

The Father says today, your heart is the heart of a worshipper. You are one that is ordained to express worship because worship is how I delight to spend time with you. When you worship Me I will show up. Surely, I am always with you, but as you worship there is a manifest presence from My throne that is deep and dynamic in its life changing power. As you worship, you constitute one of those that I search throughout the whole earth to show Myself mighty in your behalf. This is why I have given you the ability to feel things deeply. At times, you’ve even wondered why your emotions tend to run so deep, because you don’t always have the comfort and the convenience of expressing in ways those around you would understand or tolerate. This has been a struggle, between being what others expect, and living up to your true self. Don’t be frustrated, says the Father, for I put that struggle and that pressure on the inside of you, that you might find the expression of it that takes no thought for the opinion of men, but only looking unto Me.
Let your feet recover their dance, says the Father. As others dance for their own reasons, even so praise Me in the dance. Praise Me with the timbrel and the many-colored banners that reflect My glory and My creativity. Recover the postures of praise and worship and don’t let ANYONE tell you it isn’t acceptable when you are only seeking to worship Me. Raise your hands. Kneel in worship of God. Spin and dance and move in rhythmic expression of your love and celebration of who I am in your life. In so doing you will find yourself in My river. There will be a fluidity and a flow, a river of intensity and passion in My Spirit that will delight you and change you and change others, says the Father. There will even be times that others will enter in and partake, for surely there are many that have the heart that you have. I will cause you to influence a company of worshippers and in that will be an outpouring of My Spirit and a visitation that men have long cried out for but did not understand that only in abandonment to Me with all their heart will the rivers of My Spirit flow as they desire.

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