The Father Says Today: July 31st, 2017

The Father says today, you are indivisible. In the fall, Adam and Eve became divided. Division is not your portion. I am bringing together what has been separated and torn. Adam and Eve broke faith not only with Me, but with each other in the fall. They blamed one another. They blamed the serpent. I say to you that blame is not an exercise that ever produces righteousness. Stop playing the blame game and see the situation from the place of being seated in the heavenlies, where no frustration can enter in. You are not helpless. You are not without recourse. I will lead you. I will guide you. Though all stand against you, I will bring you out of the prison house of men’s opinions and set your feet on a good path that leads to life.
Enter into rest today. Stop grieving over what you think you have lost. Loss is an opinion. The sense of loss is a measurement made in the midst of limitation as a function of time. I know the end from the beginning. Your perspective may be a finite one, but you are neither finite nor limited in Me. All that has been lost will be restored. All that has been taken from you will be reconstituted by My hand if even the dead must be raised to life again. Lay your Isaacs on the altar. Trust that what happens next is not in your hand but in My command. I will provide a ram caught in your thicket and then of the matter will be testimony and not disappointment.

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