The Father Says Today: July 31st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today you have asked for outcome – commit to My process. When you put your attention on the end goal – know that there is process involved. Process will discipline you. Process will chasten you. Process will compel you to take up your cross and follow Me. Process will require you to FOCUS ON ME and let the rest go. Refuse to be distracted. Refuse to demand instant answers because that’s not what I do. Say of your soul – LISTEN TO ME – say of your soul “I am not in a problem – I am in a process!” When you understand that problems are just processes leading to an outcome, then you won’t help yourself but to smile, rejoice and keep forging ahead.
If you want growth, says the Father, you must accept the fertilizer. Hear what I am saying beloved. Where there is no ox the crib is clean, but MUCH profit comes from the labor of the ox. Stop demanding the ox to clean up after itself. Stop asking Me to clean up the process in pursuit of the outcome you have been asking Me for. I will help you. I will illuminate you. I will put My words in your mouth and give you the wisdom to step right through the difficulties as though they were nothing. Others will look at you and think you are mad because you won’t get bogged down by the details of process because of the broad brush of promise with which I am painting your life!

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