The Father Says Today: July 31st, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today that I have incarnated Myself into you. You are one with Me in your spirit and I am one with you in your flesh. Your physical body is sacred to Me says the Father. It is My house. It is My tabernacle and My dwelling place. This is the marvelous fact behind the statement “the kingdom of God is within you…” You need not pray toward some edifice or pine for some long ago season of visitation. I am in you. I am your habitation and you are the temple where I choose to place My name. Make it your purpose this day to be GOD-INSIDE-MINDED for I am not a far off God. I am as near as the breath in your nostrils and as available to you as your hands and feet.
Where I abide, says the Father I thrive and rule and make Myself known. I am clothing you and caring for you and manifesting in your physical body and your soul the eternal life that resides as an irreducible influence and resource in your human spirit. Receive this and know it as the basis of your health, your supply and your joy. It is time says the Father for joy unspeakable and full of glory, even the glory that is in you and bursting forth from you to reflect My Lordship in every aspect of your life. Lift up your head and rejoice. Lift up your heart and take courage. Open your mouth and sing of the mighty works that are being done in you and through you and around you at this very moment. You are mine and I am yours and every fact of your life from this day forward will incontrovertibly reflect this reality.

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