The Father Says Today: July 30th, 2017

The Father says today, I call you an inheritor! You are an inheritor of the promise, says the Father. I remember what I’ve promised and I remember YOU as one to whom the promise was made. Not one word you have trusted Me for will fall to the ground. If you go through your life without experiencing of My fullness – then that constitutes Me a liar! I am not a man that I should lie, nor the son of man that I should repent. I haven’t changed My mind about you where My word is concerned. Some have suggested that I will change My mind but I am resolute! I am in My person the definition of faithfulness. You will possess your possessions and enter into all that I have made possible through the shed blood of Calvary.
Enter into your entitlement this day. Appropriate by faith your privileged status as a child of redemption. Let your faith in who I am in you be the substance of the promise until the promise is made manifest. The day will come that your peace in possession of the substance of faith will be as comforting to you as the promise itself. This is the life lived in expectation of My goodness. This is the new and living way I have prepared for you – even before you were ever born. Step out of the death realm and into the realm of My established promise. It will not fail and you will not fail as you keep your eye fixed on Me, refusing to be amazed or discouraged in anyway.

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    Your daily prophetic words are very much encouraging for us. You will be vessel of Honour for crores and crores of people! By Jeba