The Father Says Today: July 2nd, 2017

The Father says today I am the God of open doors.  I do not open only one door and say “walk through it”. I open many doors and then delight as you bend your ear low to know just which choice to make. My word is yes and amen to every promise I have stored up for you in the scripture. Lay hold on that arsenal of promise. Know that there is no wavering of My promise. When you ask of Me and stand on My word I do not decide on a case by case basis whether to honor what I have plainly said. My word is a blanket assurance that what you believed Me for will surely be done. Delay is not denial. I am not some austere being on a distant throne frowning upon you. I am a loving Father making Myself abundantly available to you in the midst of every crisis. Trust in the reality of My closeness to you right now. Cling to the truth of My word. Expect to see My goodness in your life this very day. Anticipate My favor at every turn. See yourself as the recipient of My love unconditionally and in fullness. This is your time. This is your hour. This is your NOW season My beloved.
So, fear not says the Father! Fear not, rather believe only. Believe in My word and reject what the circumstances indicate. The things that you can see are temporary and changeable. The unseen things of My word and My Spirit are ruling over all. Embrace this reality. Come and rest your head in My bosom. Put on the mind of Christ in the midst of confusion and turmoil. Breathe in of My peace and breathe out Holy Ghost composure when everyone around you is in tumult. Listen to My voice. Hearken to the still, small voice of My Spirit that is ever speaking saying “this is the way, walk ye in it”. You ask, what does that mean Father? I say, “it means that the storm you are in is something I am walking you out of…” and that requires cooperation and moment by moment trust. As you accept this and embrace what I have for you we will walk it out together and you will come out unscathed and fully deposited into your blessing place.

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