The Father Says Today: July 29th, 2017

The Father says today, know who you are in Me. Your identity is not established by the circumstances of your birth or your station in this life. Because of who I am in you, know this – you are more than flesh and blood. You have, in reality, been born again of the incorruptible seed. You are born of that seed which originated in Me. I conceived you before the world was framed and I determined in My sovereignty that you would be holy and without blame before Me in love. Refuse to live in guilt or regret. Refuse to see yourself as “less than” or not good enough. The disadvantages of your earthly situation are being eclipsed by your place of blood-bought entitlement in My kingdom. You are my child. As I have sworn by Myself, as there was no greater – I AM your total sufficiency.
I am your health. I am your wealth. I am your citizenship. I am your abundance. This is the promise of My word and My word cannot be broken. Circumstances will change but My word will never change. In blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply you. I am your Shield and your Exceeding Great Reward! This is the verity of My oath that cannot be overthrown or changed in any way. Trust in the promise, says the Father. Rely on the validity and the faithfulness of My word. Refuse to give in to any other mistaken conclusion regarding who you really are and what your future looks like. Your life is not your own. It belongs to Me. I am living out a human experience in your life. I will make sure it will ALWAYS be life and life more abundantly!

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