The Father Says Today: July 29th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that I am restoring your joy. I am taking off the garments that are drab, stale and without imagination in their design. You will live this day in a sense of wonder and awe. You will dance and rejoice. You will stand amazed at what I am doing in your midst. You will quake and tremble with anticipation as My Spirit attunes to your spirit like a tuning fork, so My sound will go forth from you to those deafened by unbelief. Allow My sound to come into you, Beloved. I am originating My sound within you and My sound is creating stunning vistas of victory and wonder that will spin out creatively from your heart and reshape and refashion what your life looks like.
The enemy has tried to impede your involvement in My kingdom and this day I am changing all of that. My voice is the sound that comes into you and gets you moving forward in favor and gladness. You are a created being and I am yet creating on the inside of you. Wake up to My majesty. Wake up to the delightsome land I have laid before you as a bounty and a blessing. Live in wonder and live in total yielded awe to all that I am doing and saying in your life. When I say get involved I am calling you to throw yourself upon Me and stretch yourself in full over My stature. I will cause you to grow and learn and be transformed. This is the lion that lays with the lamb. This is the yielded spirit endowed with the Lion Heart of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This is what it means to be made in and to reflect My image and this is My portion in your life.

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